scientific benefits of chanterelles mushrooms

Chanterelles mushroom Quick Facts


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Name: Chanterelles mushroom
Origin Forests of Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America.
Colors Light yellow to deep egg-yolk yellow
Shapes Funnel-shaped cap, of diameter up to 10 cm, has a wavy irregular margin.
Flesh colors White to pale yellow
Taste Mildly peppery
Calories 21 Kcal./cup
Major nutrients Iron (23.38%)

Copper (21.22%)

Vitamin D (19.33%)

Vitamin B3 (13.79%)

Vitamin B5 (11.60%)

Health benefits Brain Function, Proper growth, Decreased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Maintains Skin Health, Stress Reducer, Migraine, Help Improve Muscle Mass, Alleviating PMS Syndrome
Chanterelles MushroomScientific Name Cantharellus californicus or Cantharellus cibarius
Native Forests of Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America.
Common/English Name Golden chanterelles, girolle, egg mushroom, pfifferling, gallinacci
Name in Other Languages France: Girole

Britain: Chanterelles

Germany: Pfifferling

Sweden: Vanlig Kantarell

Italy: finferli

Russia: lisitjka

Czech: kuratko

Growing Climate On the ground, usually near some sort of hardwood (oaks, conifers, etc).
Soil Damp, but not swampy or marshy ground.
Cap Funnel-shaped cap, of diameter up to 10cm, has a wavy irregular margin. Color varies from light yellow to deep egg-yolk yellow, but sometimes a fine white bloom masks the background color.
Vein Wrinkled veins on the underside of the cap distinguish the Golden Chanterelles from lookalikes such as Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, the False Chanterelles. The veins are very thick and decurrent, extending well down the stem; they are straight near to the stem but forked and more sinuous towards the edge of the cap.
Stem The stem of Cantharellus cibarius is the same color as or somewhat paler than the cap; often no more than 2cm long and merging into the cap.

When growing in clumps, the stems of Chanterelles are often curved and occasionally joined together near the base.

Spores Ellipsoidal, smooth, 7-11 x 4-6µm; inamyloid; hyaline (translucent and glass-like) in KOH.
Spore Print Pale yellow to creamy white, sometimes with a slight pinkish tinge.
Flesh Color White to pale yellow.
Weight About two pounds
Flavor/Aroma Fragrant like apricots
Taste Mildly peppery
Major Nutrition Iron, Fe 1.87 mg (23.38%)

Copper, Cu 0.191 mg (21.22%)

Vitamin D (D2 + D3) 2.9 µg (19.33%)

Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 2.206 mg (13.79%)

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)0.58 mg (11.60%)

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.116 mg (8.92%)

Manganese, Mn 0.154 mg (6.70%)

Potassium, K 273 mg (5.81%)

Total dietary Fiber 2.1 g (5.53%)

Phosphorus, P 31 mg (4.43%)

Health Benefits • Brain Function

•Proper growth

•Decreased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

•Maintains Skin Health

•Stress Reducer


•Help Improve Muscle Mass

•Alleviating PMS Syndrome

Calories in 1 cup (54 gm) 21 K cal



Chanterelles Mushroom is actually a fungus which is found growing on the ground, usually near some sort of hardwood (oaks, conifers, etc.). They grow near trees, not alone in fields. They also don’t grow in big clumps or even on rotting wood and is supposed to have harvested for centuries from the forests of Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. It shows a preference to grow in damp, but not swampy or marshy ground. Its flesh is thick, firm, and white, with an odor that may be fragrant like apricots (or not distinctive) and a taste that may be mild peppery (or not distinctive).The peak season to harvest chanterelle mushroom starts from June to October. They are normally about two pound in weight. The rich fruity aroma as well as pleasing texture of cooked Chanterelles is one of Nature’s culinary delights, and these edible mushrooms are not hard to spot if you look in the right kinds of places.

Parts of Plant


Chanterelle Mushroom has got a Funnel-shaped cap, of diameter up to 10 cm, has a wavy irregular margin. Color may differs from light yellow to deep egg-yolk yellow, but occasionally a fine white bloom masks the background color.


Golden Chanterelle Mushroom consists of wrinkled veins on the base of the cap which distinguish it from Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca, the False Chanterelle. Veins are usually very thick and decurrent, spreading well down the stem; they are straight close to the stem but forked and more supple towards the edge of the cap.


Stem of Cantharellus cibarius is the same color or slightly paler than the cap; frequently no more than 2cm long and merging into the cap. When growing in bunches, the stems of Chanterelles are habitually curved and rarely joined together near the base.


Chanterelle Mushroom consists of spores which are ellipsoidal, smooth, 7-11 x 4-6µm; inamyloid; hyaline (translucent and glass-like) in KOH. Spores prints are normally pale yellow to creamy white, occasionally with a slight pinkish tinge.


Chanterelles have been harvested for centuries from the forests of Europe, Asia, Africa and North America, and are among the most widely consumed ectomycorrhizal mushrooms. The best known species, Cantharellus cibarius was initially described from central France but has been reported from boreal, temperate, and tropical forests around the world.

Nutritional Value


Apart from their mild peppery taste Chanterelle Mushroom is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 54 gram of Raw Chanterelle Mushroom offers 1.87 mg of Iron, 0.191 mg of Copper,2.9 µg of Vitamin D (D2 + D3), 2.206 mg of Vitamin B3, 0.58 mg of Vitamin B5, 0.116 mg of Vitamin B2, 0.154 mg of Manganese, 273 mg of Potassium, 2.1 g of Total dietary Fiber,31 mg of Phosphorus and 0.38 mg of Zinc.

Nutritional value of Chanterelle Mushroom Raw

Serving Size: 1 Cup, 54 g

Calories 21 Kcal.

Calories from Fat 2.61 Kcal.


Proximity Amount % DV
Water 48.52 g N/D
Energy 21 Kcal N/D
Energy 86 kJ N/D
Protein 0.8 g 1.60%
Total Fat (lipid) 0.29 g 0.83%
Ash 0.68 g N/D
Carbohydrate 3.7 g 2.85%
Total dietary Fiber 2.1 g 5.53%
Total Sugars 0.63 g N/D
Glucose (dextrose) 0.63 g N/D


Minerals Amount % DV
Calcium, Ca 8 mg 0.80%
Iron, Fe 1.87 mg 23.38%
Magnesium, Mg 7 mg 1.67%
Phosphorus, P 31 mg 4.43%
Potassium, K 273 mg 5.81%
Sodium, Na 5 mg 0.33%
Zinc, Zn 0.38 mg 3.45%
Copper, Cu 0.191 mg 21.22%
Manganese, Mn 0.154 mg 6.70%
Selenium, Se 1.2 µg 2.18%
Vitamins Amount % DV
Water soluble Vitamins
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) 0.008 mg 0.67%
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 0.116 mg 8.92%
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 2.206 mg 13.79%
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 0.58 mg 11.60%
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 0.024 mg 1.85%
Vitamin B9 (Folate) 1 µg 0.25%
Folic Acid 0 µg N/D
Folate, food 1 µg N/D
Folate, DEF 1 µg N/D
Fat soluble Vitamins
Vitamin D (D2 + D3) 2.9 µg 19.33%
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) 2.9 µg N/D
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) 0 µg N/D
Vitamin D IU 114 IU N/D


Lipids Amount % DV
Campesterol 1 mg N/D

*Above mentioned Percent Daily Values (%DVs) are based on 2,000 calorie diet intake. Daily values (DVs) may be different depending upon your daily calorie needs. Mentioned values are recommended by a U.S. Department of Agriculture. They are not recommendations. Calculations are based on average age of 19 to 50 years and weighs 194 lbs.

Health benefits of Chanterelles Mushroom

Chanterelles Mushroom is one of Nature’s culinary delights mainly found in damp, but not swampy or marshy ground, usually near some sort of hardwood. Apart from its mild peppery taste it is full of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins which are extremely important to deal with several long term or short term health related difficulties.

1. Brain Function

Iron is one of the essential minerals for the increased development of the brain. Chanterelles Mushroom includes about 1.87 mg of iron which is 23.38% of the daily recommended value. Since oxygen supply in the blood is assisted by iron and the brain uses around 20% of the blood oxygen, iron is directly associated to brain health and its functions. Similarly proper flow of blood in the brain helps to encourage cognitive activity and help to create new neural pathways to avoid cognitive disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, therefore proper iron rich food intake is essential for proper functioning of the brain. 

2. Proper growth

Copper is one of the highly essential minerals present in Chanterelles Mushroom for normal growth and development of body parts and overall health. Therefore, it is certainly essential to include this mineral in balanced form in regular diets of an individual for the proper growth. Apart from that it is also helpful in protecting of skeletal, nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body.

3. Decreased Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

As we all know that Type 2 diabetes can result in some overwhelming long-term difficulties, like nerve damage, eye damage, vision loss, heart disease and kidney failure. Chanterelles Mushroom is one of the best options for getting sufficient amount of vitamin D which is exceptionally essential for dealing with type 2 Diabetes. Current research recommends that vitamin D may play a major role in reducing the risk for type 2 diabetes particularly in those who are at an increased threat for this deadly disease.

Several researches have shown improvements in insulin sensitivity, beta cell function, and whole-body inflammation with regular use of ample amount of vitamin D. One Single cup of Chanterelles Mushroom consists of 2.9 µg of vitamin D which is 19.33% of the daily recommended value, so include it in your regular diet to remain safe from Type 2 Diabetes.

4. Maintains Skin Health

Chanterelles Mushroom is one of the good sources of Vitamin B3 which in the form of niacinamide is recommended as a natural treatment for healthy skin and clearing acne when applied to the skin topically. While other people take niacin or B vitamin complex supplements to cure their symptoms.

Niacin helps to reduce skin inflammation, irritation, flare ups, redness, and more, it is also used for handling skin conditions named bullous pemphigoid and granuloma annulare. These two are inflammation-caused skin diseases that comprise burning of the skin which can be very painful and cause infection. Niacin or vitamin B3 rich food must be included in your normal diet to get rid of such skin problems.

5. Stress Reducer

Vitamin B5 is one of the most important vitamins which are present in Chanterelle Mushroom which is essential for reducing stress and other serious mental problems like anxiety and depression. It does this by regulating the hormones responsible for causing these mental conditions. One cup of Chanterelles Mushroom consists of 0.58 mg of vitamin B5 which is 11.60% of the daily recommended value.

6. Migraine

Adults and kids who don’t get sufficient amount of riboflavin have tendency to experience repeated headaches and even migraines. Riboflavin is one of the essential vitamins which can be obtained by regular consumption of Chanterelles Mushroom. As soon as a person gets sufficient riboflavin, the number of headaches is reduced. One scientific research done with 55 patients displayed that those who took 200-400 mg of riboflavin had considerably fewer migraines and headaches compared to those given the placebo. Regular consumption of this mushroom reduces both the frequency and intensity of the headaches.

7. Help Improve Muscle Mass

As we all know that consuming sufficient amount of protein is essential to build and maintain healthy muscle mass, while also supporting ligaments, tendon and other body tissue. As soon as your diet is lacking in amino acids, muscle atrophy can take place when your muscle fibers are broken down to support your body’s energy needs.

Chanterelles Mushroom consists of ample minimal of protein which is required after exercise, as physical activity persistently damages muscle tissues therefore they can repair and grow back stronger. For the process to happen efficiently, you have to include some extra protein rich foods like Chanterelle Mushroom to help repair the damage. While protein alone cannot improve athletic performance, research shows that consuming protein before and after exercise helps upsurge muscle recovery, encourages muscle synthesis and helps as effective muscle ache treatment.

8. Alleviating PMS Syndrome

Numerous women are suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) throughout the world. It is one of the serious problems that take place in majority of the women. Hence, manganese can be useful to reduce these monthly situations like mood swings, depression, headaches and irritability. Women who suffer from severe PMS symptoms are advised to consume manganese rich food such as Chanterelles Mushroom as it consists of 0.154 mg of manganese which is 6.70% of the daily recommended value.

How to Eat

  • Add it to soups or stews for texture and flavor.
  • Sauté it in butter or chop and simmer in a white sauce, then serve on thin slices of toast.
  • Grounded mushroom can be sprinkled on top of foods or even added to casseroles or soups for a rich mushroom flavor.
  • It is cooked with cheese and chilies or cooked with meat in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan.
  • It will pair with pasta, butter or cream sauces, other wild mushrooms, cured meats and cow’s milk cheese, onions and garlic.
  • It can be served sauteed or roasted in vegetable side dishes, or pickled.
  • It can be used in rissotto dishes and omelettes, and it surely has adequate flavors to make tasty soups or sauces to be served with chicken or fish dishes.
  • A simple sauté along with olive oil and shallots will let you experience the full flavor of this amazing mushroom.
  • You can use chanterelles almost anywhere you use a mushroom: on a burger, quiche, in risotto, in a white wine sauce, or just sautéed with butter and fresh herbs.

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