Are Magic Mushroom Spores Legal?
magic mushroom spores uk from the species of Psilocybe Cubensis
What are magic mushroom spores?
To determine whether magic mushroom spores uk are legal. we first must understand what they are. The spores are the fungus equal of seeds. The spores created by Psilocybin-producing species of mushrooms during the reproduction cycle.
From a legal perspective, in the majority of countries including the United Kingdom. magic mushrooms are illegal to own. or grow due to the chemical ‘Psilocybin’ contained within them. phone case cover for google
But, magic mushroom spores uk do not contain Psilocybin. The specific chemical that’s legislated and controlled. This put spores into a ‘grey area’.
So are magic mushroom spores legal?

So determining whether magic mushroom spores are legal. boils down to whether the spores themselves contain any controlled chemical compounds. This is in essence how drugs are classify. For example, MDMA’s specific chemical structure. listed as a controlled and illegal compound.
Psilocybin (The active chemical that gives magic mushrooms their ‘magic’.) chemical structure is classify and illegal in the United Kingdom. and many other countries.
But, the magic mushroom spores uk do not contain any Psilocybin. and thus are not under the schedule of controlled drugs in the United kingdom.
If you are in a different country. you can view the table at the bottom of the page for legalities in different countries.

This puts magic mushroom spores legality into a strange grey area. As they are not illegal, which means they can be sold and bought.
There are other laws that govern the purpose of a sale. For example, if magic mushroom spores sold within the United Kingdom. with the intention of being grown, this would be illegal. Under the Serious crimes act 2007. encouraging or facilitating illegal activities can lead to some lengthy prison sentences. toadstool spore phone case cover
Why would you buy magic mushroom spores?
magic mushroom spores uk are fascinating to study, they are small. You could fit many hundreds of spores on the tip of a needle.
Here at Viking spores, we sell our spores with the intention of being examin under the microscope. There are many people who buy them for novelty or taxonomy purposes. The law has changed in recent times, in the US. with decriminalization happening in some states.
What the future holds is very uncertain. but it’s important to preserve the genetic lineage in case the law changes.
Where can you buy Magic Mushroom spores in the United Kingdom?

Legal status in other countries
You can read the below Wikipedia page for an up to date list on whether magic mushroom spores are legal across the world
Frequent ask questions on magic mushroom spores uk
Can you buy magic mushroom spores uk?
The spores created by Psilocybin-producing species of mushrooms during the reproduction cycle. From a legal perspective, in the majority of countries including the United Kingdom. magic mushrooms are illegal to own. or grow due to the chemical ‘Psilocybin’ contained within them.
Can you buy a magic mushroom spores uk?
The US has even seen a recent surge in the number of magic mushroom growing kits available for sale. growing these mushrooms in the UK prohibited. but you can still buy Psilocybe cubensis magic mushroom spores for microscopy research.
What is the easiest mushroom spore to grow?
magic mushroom spores uk are the easiest mushroom to grow indoors, said. because they grow well in a wide variety of substrates, including spent coffee grinds. banana leaves and sawdust. And outdoors in Maine, delicious wine cap mushrooms are one of the easiest varieties to grow. usually in piles of wood chips.1
Do Psilocybe Azurescens grow in the UK?

Psilocybe azurescens has cultivated in many countries including Germany, the Netherlands. New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and its native United States (especially in California. New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania).
How much spores are needed to grow magic mushrooms?
You might think it would be as easy as getting the spores… While that is one option to do that. there are other options as well. If you grow from spores you will need 2 spores to come together (almost like a sperm and egg). to start to grow the mycelium (mushrooms are made from mycelium). mushroom toadstool spore phone case
How many spores can a mushroom produce in a day?

Share some fun fungi math with your students. Did you know a mature magic mushroom spores uk can produce 2 billion spores in 4 days? How many hours does it take for a mushroom to produce 2 billion spores? (96 hours) How many spores can a mushroom produce in a day (24 hours)? (500 million) How long would it take to produce 1 billion spores? (2 days or 48 hours)
Where can I get magic mushroom spores uk?
Spores play a great role in growing mushrooms the best place to buy Buy Spores online. buy spores and spore growing Spores materials only here at MAGIC TRUFFLE SOCIETY! We sell kits inclusive of a bag of pasteurized substrate, sterilized grains. temperature gauge, and more! We also offer a wide selection of spore syringes
Where do you get spores for mmagic mushroom spores uk from?
North Spore’s Grain Spawn – Use promo code ‘ CURATIVEMUSH ‘ for a 20% discount at checkout.
North Spore’s Sawdust Spawn – Use promo code ‘ CURATIVEMUSH ‘ for a 20% discount at checkout.
North Spore’s Plug Spawn – Use promo code ‘ CURATIVEMUSH ‘ for a 20% discount at checkout.
Why are magic mushroom spores legal in the UK?

Microscopic magic mushroom spores contain no psilocybin (or psilocyin). so they are not outlawed under the Drugs Act 2005 which made “fungi containing psilocybin” a Class A drug. Thus, while you can buy and magic mushroom spores, you can’t allow them to grow.
Are there any magic mushrooms syringes available in the UK?
Our selection of magic mushrooms spore syringes. Our range consists of Psilocybe Cubensis spores of various varieties. We have 5ml and 10ml syringes available for the UK and EU. New! These Cubensis spores come from Colombia and have a distinct rust coloured spore. red mushroom toadstool spore phone
Where to buy the best magic mushroom grow kit in the UK?Where to buy the best magic mushroom grow kit in the UK. 1 1. Martian Mushrooms – Use code ‘HIGHANDPOLITE’ for a 10% discount! The guys at Martian Mushrooms know their stuff and have created a very easy-to-use … 2 2. Viking Spores – Use code ‘HIGHANDPOLITE’ for a 10% discount! 3 3. Cylocybe. 4 4. MycoTown. 5 5. Spore Buddies. case cover for google pixel
What is the shelf life of magic mushroom spores?
The hydrated magic mushroom spores we stock. have a recommended shelf life of 2 years when stored. magic mushroom spores ukprints can be dry stored in darkness! We take care of international delivery, communications. and import charges meaning we aim to have your order at your UK door within 3-7 working days.